Some links related to Identification
Some links
Closed Loop System Identification algorithm DSR_e tests versus N4SID and MOESP:
Morten Bakke 2009
Comparing DSR with other methods.
Sotomayor et al
"Multivariable identification of an activated sludge process with subspace-based algorithms"
Modeling, Identification and Control (MIC)
Automatic Control
-Linkoping University (Publications from Ljung among others)
Perspectives in System Identification.
Ljung (2008)
Ljung (2009)
Ljung (2010)
. Gripen
Proof of
state estimate equation
Ljung Lecture
: Machine Learning, FIR and ARX models
Linear Algebra:
Kahn Academy
Ljung (2008) "Perspectives on System Identification".
You must know least squares
Orthogonal Projections
Ergon et al (2000) paper
Closed Loop MOESP
Qin, Lin and Ljung (2005)
Kronecker Product and the vec Operator
PLS Automatica (2000) paper impact 1
MOESP book (2007)
MOESP on Github
Kalman filter applications
A Dynamic Positioning System Based on Kalman Filtering and Optimal Control
David Di Ruscio