PhD David Di Ruscio
Research interests:
Subspace System IDentification (SSID), Combining system
identification and optimal and predictive control, time series
identification, regularized least squares methods, modeling and
control, predictive control, linear algebra, software and
numerical algorithms, optimization, applications. Tuning
conventional PID controllers. The DSR algorithm
Mostly MATLAB m-file
IOS Megatuner app link (by Christer Dalen)
link Description: This site serves a powerful method for
tuning PID controllers. Possibly the best tuning site ever. Try it
! Designed to be able to correctly tune a million (Mega) random
dynamic single input and single output systems.
Courses I am or have been responsible for (with lecture notes as
Some major work in System Identification and Control Theory:
Software for
Subspace System Identification:
Some links and videos etc:
Updated by: