Syllabus: IIAV3017 Advanced Control

  1. Di Ruscio, D. (2016).Optimal Model Based Control  Lecture notes.
  2. Di Ruscio, D. (2016). LQ Optimal Control with Integral Action. Lecture notes
  3. Di Ruscio, D. (2012).Discrete LQ optimal control with integral action. MIC paper
  4. Di Ruscio, D. (2018). System Theory, State Space Analysis and Control Theory. Lecture notes
  5. Di Ruscio, D. (2010). On Tuning PI Controllers for Integrating Plus Time Delay Systems. Paper
  6. Di Ruscio, D. (2017). Tuning PD and PID Controllers for Double Integrating Plus Time Delay Systems. Paper


  • Syllabus is mainly in item 1,2 5 and 6 above. However, some details may be taken from otherv documents.
  • The lecture notes is available from this page. The lecture notes may be updated during the semester.

Faglærer:  Dr. ing., 1. amanuensis David Di Ruscio                          

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